Twitter Advanced Search:
Use this to locate posts with specific words, phrases or hashtags. Also, search accounts based on the person who posted or mentions someone specific in a post. Can even search posts by location! Using the location criteria I found lots of updates on the Buffalo Bills! Advanced searches could be useful in the classroom for obtaining information that is real-time, location-based, posted within a particular date range or by a specific individual.
Twitter Widgets
- Profile - Embed your tweets to appear in your blog or on your website. Click here to link to view a running list of my Tweets.
- Search - Create a search that updates real time that appears in your blog or on your site. Here's mine!
- Other widgets - TwitStamp allows you to update your Twitter status to sites that accept images; Twitter Widget allows you to adjust the background of your blog to the Twitter post you embed; Twoxit Widget provides the code for you to embed on your site for users to update their own Twitter status.
Using widgets on a school or classroom site would make the user experience more focused, without the user even realizing! School community members could link directly to real-time, pertinent Tweets that highlight the positive.
Everything Guide
A super duper resource that provides guidance on topics ranging from creating a Twitter bio and posting, to searching and managing who you follow or who follows you. Critical tools for educators can be found here to become more efficient in communication, time management, and constituent engagement.